The Friends of Bedfordshire Youth Music exists to promote, improve, develop and maintain education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of music, in particular among the children and young people of Bedfordshire, Luton, Milton Keynes and the local area.
What financial support is available?
One example of support for individuals is to provide financial support to families whose children would not otherwise be able to take part in orchestral, band, choral or other ensemble group activities due to financial hardship.
FBYM will offer support of up to 100% of fees where a family has a child entitled to Free School Meals or an annual household annual income of below £25,000, and up to 75% of fees to families whose annual household income is below £33,000. If a family has more than one child then we will offer support of up to 75% of fees where the annual household income is below £40,500.
In exceptional circumstances and where there is a clear need we will support other children and young people from the local area.
FBYM can also provide financial support to community organisations to assist with funding extra-curricular musical activities within Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes for children and young people up to the age of 23.
Who can apply?
Applications will be considered from the parent/ guardian of any child or young person wishing to attend courses and events put on by Bedfordshire Music Trust, the BLMK Music Hub, or other recognised Bands, Orchestras, Choirs or Ensembles in the area. An application for assistance in attending other recognised musical events will be considered from any talented individual, or their parent/ guardian.
Incorporated charities may apply for grants to assist with the funding of extra- curricular musical activities within Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes for children and young people up to the age of 23.
When to apply
Applications should be made by the deadline dates published for consideration by the trustees. Applications must be made for each course or event as parental financial circumstances may change.
Deadline dates
Applications for assistance will be considered three times a year and should be submitted by 1st October, 1st February, 1st May.
How to apply
Applications for individual financial support or grants should be made in writing following the instructions provided on the appropriate form below.
If you wish to apply for financial support for an individual, then please apply here.
If you wish to apply for a project grant, then please apply here.
The decision of the trustees will be final.